"Religious landscape in flux---unaffiliated ranks growing" so says the tease on MSNBC news. Everyone seems to be talking about this "new phenomenon". I read the articles and listened to the news. What the world is talking about is what we, in the Church, have been talking about for several years: our kids, kids who have grown up in the Church, are not remaining faithful into adulthood. We knew this and have been discussing what we need to do to keep our kids in the faith. It doesn't seem that we have been able to come up with any foolproof formulas, so I was very interested to see what "advice" the world had to offer-----they had none. Nor were they able to single out a cause for this "new phenomenon". They really didn't seem to care about the issue but merely the newsworthy fact that it is happening. However in reading and listening, I think they may have unwittingly shed some light on the subject.
Notice the title? UNAFFILIATED--the word means "not associated with", or "having no relationship with" or "without intimacy, association or connection as in illegitimate". Hmm.....
Perhaps the reason "religion" is in flux or fluid or ebbing and flowing, has to do with the fact that many "religious" people are not associated with Christ or God. They have no relationship with Him, and no connection. They are as illegitimate children-children without knowledge of their Father.
The world does not know God. In fact, His very name is used as often as an expletive as it is in praise. The beauty of His world is frequently lost in the ingratitude of its inhabitants. His power is ignored, His promises denied and His commands refused. Oh how His heart must break! How He must long for His children to come home. The Bible tells us that He wants nothing more than for us to be associated with Him. In fact, He worked out all eternity soliciting our affiliation. He loves us and desires our love and our lives. HE wants to be affiliated with us. HE wants an intimate relationship with us. And yet, we remain----in flux.
As Christians, we cannot ignore this phenomenon. While it is not new, it is also not going away! We have to teach, preach, disciple and example. We have to not just convert but also mature. We have to guard the hearts and minds of our children, guiding them in their spiritual walk. We have to nurture their affiliation with God, encourage them to have a personal and intimate faith, one that is enduring and consistent. Likewise, we must continue to prioritize our lives, making our relationship with God important, pressing and urgent. We must continually live lives that show we belong to Him, lives of purpose and passion. We cannot allow our spiritual lives to be "in flux" for we are God's people, we are Christian and it is with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we choose to be affiliated!