How to tell you've spent "too much time in prayer"
When you are documenting in the progress note of a medical record and instead of signing your name with your credentials, you write "In Jesus name, amen".
While the title is definitely tongue-in-cheek---the experience today was enough to give everyone of my co-workers a chuckle and since you can't use whiteout in a medical record, you simply have to draw one thin line through it and then write, "Neva Cooper, Social Service Director, CSW"------oh well!
While the title is definitely tongue-in-cheek---the experience today was enough to give everyone of my co-workers a chuckle and since you can't use whiteout in a medical record, you simply have to draw one thin line through it and then write, "Neva Cooper, Social Service Director, CSW"------oh well!
ha ha! That's almost as bad as telling the lady at the bank drive through, "I love you--bye"
That's an awesome mistake to make!! :o)
You make me smile!
That could only happen to someone who is a prayer warrior. We should all make those kind of mistakes.
God Bless,
I know you and that doesn't surprise me at all! We all make those kinds of mistakes but most of us are comfortable enough to share them. Thank you for making us laugh and brightening our day.
Sadly, I've gone the other way. In our ministry, we get lots of e-mail prayer requests. When I answer, I write out a prayer. I don't think I've ever sent one out this way, but I have written my name at the end of the prayer by mistake.
Grace and peace,
Neva, that was so revealing but wonderfully so!
I once wrote a note to my boss and signed "love mama" as I was always leaving notes for my kids. He got a kick about it and told everyone in the office and so I was teased for quite some time over that.
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!
"In the name of Jesus..." :)
You are such a hoot, dear friend!!!
Too, too funny! I bet they'll be talking about that for a long time.
However, knowing you, I bet you make them laugh frequently.
Love ya
I know it was embarrassing for you--but maybe someone reading the medical record will think you were really praying for that patient.
ha ha!
You are so blonde!
ha ha!
You are so blonde!
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If you're gonna mess up, why not go it in style!! That's too funny!!
wow thats an awesome mistake....
Yep--a cool mistake.
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