Tender of Hearts
If you know me at all, you know that I almost always rise to the defense of the underdog. It is for the unlovable, the beat up upon, that I find myself most often fighting. One of my own personal pet peeves is watching someone struggle to do one right thing, all the while listening to others retell how good this one is at doing the wrong things. I find myself becoming so angry that I struggle with my temper. I fight down the urge to lash out and to condemn. Sometimes I fight harder than I do at others. And then, like all of us, I find myself penitent and pained, grateful for grace once again. If you have lived in this world longer than fifteen minutes, you have most likely been both the deliverer and the recipient of spirit bashing. And so I wonder, what makes it such a natural response to harm others? What makes the faults so much easier to see? What is it that makes us such willing participants in this bad behavior?
I was reading the book of Matthew and I came across the parable of the wheat and the tares. (Matthew 13:24-30) You remember this parable? The master sows good seed in his field and while he is sleeping, the enemy sows weeds (tares). They both sprout and grow producing a mixture of good and bad, a mixture of wheat and tares. The owners helpers want to rip out the weeds but the owner won't allow it. Out of concern for the tender stalks of wheat, he tells them to leave the weeds alone until harvest. Remember this one? Some parables are left to us to decide the intended application, while Jesus gives us the explanation for others. This is one that is interpreted by the Messiah, Himself. He tells us that the good seed is the church and the bad seed the world and the enemy the devil and the harvesters, the angels. It is a very cool parable about God's people living surrounded by satan's people and the end results at judgement or harvest.
I would never disagree with Jesus or make a different analogy other that what He intended. The appeal to parables like this is that they speak to the very basic of common sense. One need not be a farmer to understand that in ripping out the weeds, wheat could possibly be harmed. Easy, easy concept, right?
That same common sense applies to hearts. When we see someone with "weeds" in their heart, our gut response is to get rid of them, to purge that heart of those choking, water guzzling, food hoarding, growth inhibiting weeds. That is what we really want to do. And we just know if we pull out those massive weeds, the tender little shoots of wheat will have the nutrients and the water and the sunshine they need to grow and mature and bear fruit. Right? However, in our zeal to make this heart "weed-free", we can damage the wheat, destroy the good right along with the bad, yanking them both out by the very roots. (The roots of the weeds are usually deeper than those of the wheat).
Does it make sense that some of that weeding might be done after we have nurtured and fed and nourished the wheat? After we have helped it's root system grow and spread? Would it stand to reason that in feeding the good, the bad would begin to starve? Is it possible that in encouraging the growth of the wheat, we could at the very same time be thwarting the growth of the tares?
The age old question (almost always taken out of context), "Am I my brother's keeper" has only one answer--yes! We have responsibility for our brethren--otherwise all those "one-another" passages would be pretty silly. We are to care for, protect and nourish their hearts just as they are to do the same for ours. We are called to tend to one another, to help, encourage and mature one another. We are commanded to be kind and peaceful and treat each other with honor and respect. Just as we would tend to a garden, helping it to bloom and grow and bear fruit, so are we to tend the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not just seed sowers, we are also tenders of hearts. Don't you think?
I took off the comment moderation because it was messing up--your comment went with it, sorry.
The comment moderation tool is a real joke. When my wife had it on her blog, it added comments from readers under her name just as soon as she moderated, then it would have a comment for her and one for the real author. It was crazy!
Glad you took it off--
Great post, too
I am that way too! Especially when someone is trying, then I am ready to take on anyone who gives them guff. You make some really great points here, Neva. But then you always do.
I am that way too! Especially when someone is trying, then I am ready to take on anyone who gives them guff. You make some really great points here, Neva. But then you always do.
Thank you for this reminder, we get so busy pulling weeds that we tend forget how many blooms we uproot in the process. Great post, dear Neva
Beautiful post, beautiful reminder.
Thank you Neva and bless you for being who you are.
What a great reminder. Thank you.
My new best friend...I find it amazing you post about farming. You should see tares in a wheat field, very hard to see the difference if you have an untrained eye...mmmm, isn't that interesting? Glad the church isn't like that!
Love you my sister! and you too Ned
Yes! The way to make the church stand out from the world--tend to the hearts of its members.
Great job, sis,
Yes, I think that is exactly what we are called to be. Thank you for this post and the timely reminder that my sister's heart condition is my responsibility.
Love this post,
Great Post! I find that most of the time when people are so eager to yank the weeds out of someone else's garden, it's because there are things in their own lives they choose not to deal with. If we first looked to ourselves and worked on nurturing our own gardens, we would be far less likely to trample on other spirits.
Thank you great post and great reminder.
I agree with Liz--we all have some weeds that need pulled and most of us do not appreciate others pulling out our weeds. Great post!
There is no higher calling that to spread God's love. That requires that we stop spreading all the manure that the legalist propose. We are not to injure and harm and uproot our brethren. They will grow and mature if we lovingly lead them along.
Interested Bystander
BTW--the comment moderation thing doesn't work well. That's why I changed to Wordpress.
What a great post! I find that I get so caught up in making sure everyone is doing and looking right that I sometimes forget that there are hearts and feelings involved. Thank you for once again inspiring me and touching my heart.
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